Overnight Breakfast Bowl

This is my go to breakfast recipe, especially in the warmer months. I love that it takes less than 5 min to prepare. Before you go to bed at night, mix together the rolled oats, chia seeds and almond milk. Put it in the fridge over night and in the morning you will have a great chilled breakfast bowl of goodness. You can create this a variety of ways too, the variations are endless.


1 cup gluten free rolled oats.

1 1/2 cups almond milk ( unsweetened)

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 large ripe banana ( Mashed)



Prep time: 5 min  Chill Time- Overnight, serves 3 people

  1. In a small bowl mix together oats, almond milk, chia seeds and bananas. Cover and refrigerate overnight to thicken.

2. In the morning stir the mixture to combine and serve with fruit, granola and a drizzle of sweetness if desired. ( I find it sweet enough without any added sweeteners). Enjoy!!!




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